It was a super busy day packed with lots of fun.
My sweet hubby let me sleep in, until 8 o'clock, and it was wonderful! I never turn down a chance to sleep in, but as soon as my feet hit the floor I was off and running.
Jesse started a Lego robotics today at the Y. He was so excited. Since Christmas he has been really excited about just about any and all things Lego. This is the robot car they built and programmed today. He was so proud of it and he couldn't wait to show me how it worked. There are 5 more weeks of this class, and I can't wait to see what he builds next.
While Jesse was busy, Michael played at the indoor playground and I hit the treadmill. I really took it easy because I was sick all week, but boy did it feel good to get back in the gym.
On the way home we stopped at the barber shop so the boys could get haircuts. Michael has been needing one for a couple of weeks now, his hair was getting really long. After seeing all the hair on the floor, I realized Jesse's was actually very long too.
Then we headed home to get ready for our special lunch guests--Tita and Andrea! We haven't seen these special ladies since August, and that is just TOO long!! We laughed and talked and caught up on just about everything. The boys were SO excited to see them and have the chance to show off everything they have been learning and doing over the last several months!
Tita and Andrea have such a heart for Jesus and kids and they are both so special to us. Miss Andrea has a job interview this next week and Tita is considering becoming an advocate for abused and neglected children. We love you both and we are praying for you!
Saturday afternoon would not be complete without a birthday party, so we headed to the park for Jesse's friends birthday celebration! It was overcast and cool, but these boys were so full of energy it did not take long for them to lose the jackets. They ran around and climbed like there was no tomorrow!
I did manage to get them to slow down long enough to snap a few pictures, but not many.
Phillip was under the weather all day and quarantined to the bedroom, so when Jesse got home the boys and I ate a little dinner-nothing fancy, just corn dogs-then we spread out the blankets in the livingroom and settled in for movie night. We just finished watching Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
It was a good day. A long, busy day and we are all worn out, actually I tucked the boys in their beds less than 30 minutes ago and well, they are sound asleep. I'm not far behind.
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