They are AMAZING!!!
I have wanted to go see them every since the first time I listened to that cd. I couldn't make the show when they were here late last year and I was totally bummed thinking they wouldn't be back for a long, long time. Imagine my excitement when I found out they were going to be in San Antonio on February 20th. One of my best friends gave me their new cd, MOVE, for my birthday. It was just as amazing and that just sealed the deal--I knew I would be at that concert! And who better to take with me, than 3 of my best friends?
These ladies are pretty AMAZING too!!!
Now, there were some potential conflicts that almost kept all 4 of us from committing to making this road trip down to the concert, but finally it worked out. The tickets were purchased, it was written in permanent marker on the calendar and I began memorizing their new cd, cause you know I planned on singing every song right along with them!
Concert day finally arrived and we met up and headed out of town so we could be there when the doors opened at 3:30. Good thing because a *few* other people had the same idea.
It really looks worse than it was. It didn't seem that long of a wait either, mostly because, well, Liz began to hand out the tickets--here is yours, and yours and yours and then.....WHAT THE HECK?!?!?
That's Liz kicking herself for only ordering 3 tickets! Um, yeah, the concert is sold out and we only had 3 tickets for 4 people. Oops! We all remained calm and after the initial shock wore off, we came up with a plan. I found an usher, explained the situation and asked if he had any suggestions about how we could sneak one extra person into a sold out event. He, unfortunately, could not help. I thanked him and head back to the girls and our spot in line.
Then, out of nowhere this girl walks up to me, she overheard me talking to the usher, and asks me if we need tickets. I told her we only needed ONE. She had 2, since her friends got sick and couldn't make it. PERFECT! I swear she was an angel. I should have taken her picture, not really sure why I didn't. Her and her nephew stood in line with us and once we got inside she got her tickets from will call and gave, GAVE, her ticket to Liz. An angel I tell ya! Melissa hugged her, of course ;-), and we never saw her again, although I looked.
Once we got inside the building we had to wait for what seemed like FOREVER before they would let us in the arena/seating area. It was a test of my patience for sure, mainly because it was so hot and we were squished like sardines. They finally opened the doors and off I went, Amy kept me in her sights as I found us 4 seats and then found us 4 more seats 2 rows closer. It was general admission and we scored some awesome seats on the 9th row! ~Aaa-mazing!~
See? We were THAT close! We were on our feet the entire time and I sang EVERY song (I'm sure Amy and the girl on the other side of me loved that.) Love, love, love these guys!
It was an AMAZING night! I'm so glad we made the trip down to the concert. Time on the road gave me a chance to catch up with friends. The show, well, that was a chance to see one of my favorite bands, hear some amazing Christian music and sing praise to the Lord!
Of course, since we were in San Antonio, and we hadn't eaten all day, we had to stop for some Mexican food and drinks after the show.
(word of the day)